February 10, 2025
WinLASH 287-22 for the Home Office Medicare Cost Report has received CMS approval for Transmittal 4. Transmittal 4 is required for cost reporting periods ending on or after 11/01/2024.
Download the latest version of WinLASH 287-22 here.
This transmittal modifies the forms and instructions as follows:
Schedule F-3: added worksheet and instructions to summarize direct, functional, and pooled amounts by component.
New edit: 1082S
Revised edits: 1060, 1090, 1090S, 1100S, 1050A
A complete copy of the Transmittal 4 instructions can be accessed in our software under Help > CMS Instructions or downloaded directly from the CMS website here: https://www.cms.gov/medicare/regulations-guidance/transmittals/2025-transmittals/r4p248i