WinLASH 1984 - Hospice Medicare Cost Report
WinLASH 1984 is our CMS approved Hospice Cost Report Software. WinLASH 1984 easily produces the electronic cost report (ECR) files required for submission of your Medicare Hospice Cost Report.
Electronic Signature functionality for paperless online filing via MCReF.
StatLinks™ feature links allocation statistics, eliminating double entry.
Saves time by importing General Ledger data.
WinLASH 1984 contains all the CMS required edits as well as Optimizer edits which alert users of other potential problems in the report.
Meets all CMS guidelines for electronic cost report filing (ECR).
Current version info:
Provider Type: Hospice
CMS Form: 1984-14
Software Version: 7.0.0
CMS Transmittal: #7
Effective Date: Periods ending on or after 12/01/2024
Annual Licensing Fees:
Contact us for WinLASH 1984 pricing.