Medicare Update - Cost Report e-Filing (MCReF) System

Medicare Update - Cost Report e-Filing (MCReF) System

Beginning May 1, Medicare Part A providers can use MCReF to submit cost reports with fiscal years ending on or after December 31, 2017. You will have the option to electronically transmit your cost report through MCReF or mail or hand deliver it to your Medicare Administrative Contractor. Starting July 2, you must use MCReF if you choose electronic submission of your cost report.

WinLASH 224 Approved for Transmittal 2

WinLASH 224 Approved for Transmittal 2

April 24, 2018

WinLASH 224 for the FQHC Medicare Cost Report has received CMS approval for Transmittal 2. This latest CMS Transmittal includes the addition of a checkbox that allows a provider to elect and sign the Certification and Settlement Summary page of the Medicare cost report using an electronic signature. Transmittal 2 is effective for Cost Reporting Periods ending on or after 12/31/2017.

View WinLASH 224 approval letter.

Download the latest version of WinLASH 224 here.